About Us

We turn gun owners into protectors

The Mission

I’m JD, the founder of Self Defense Shooting Academy (SDSA). I founded the Academy in 2006 with the primary mission of teaching new gun owners how to become safe, confident and responsible protectors.

I believe in everyone’s right to defend themselves and their family. However, with this right comes an enormous responsibility. Without training a gun in the house is a huge liability. It can become a threat to the safety of the very people it is there to protect. It is on everyone who owns a gun, or is even around guns, to know how to treat them safely and use them properly.

Don’t be “just another gun owner”. Be a protector.

A little bit about me

I am originally from South Africa. I practice the Israeli System of shooting and spent my 20s and 30s working as a security contractor in South Africa during the 90’s and early 2000’s. After settling in New Jersey in 2006 I dedicated my life to teaching people how to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Recently I have started competing in an event called The Tactical Games. This is an event designed to test shooters under maximum physical stress. It’s about as close to simulating real combat as it gets and I recommend it for anyone who is looking to see how well they would perform under pressure.

Our classes

We have been lucky enough to grow substantially over the years and I have been able to recruit several instructors, all who have trained in the Israeli Combat System. Our classes are held virtually and in-person. We cover are certified with the USCCA and we hold the nationally recognized USCCA classes as well as our own introduction to shooting classes.


It is up to all of us as gun owners, to learn how to become safe and responsible protectors. And that’s why we are here. We want to teach what we believe to be the most effective and easy to learn system of gun fighting there is. And empower new gun owners throughout the country to be the protectors of all they hold dear.

how to argue against gun control

2nd Amendment Activism

“On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.” Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

The Founders of our beautiful country knew that given enough time, none of the checks and balances they put in place in the constitution would stop people's greed and hunger for power. They knew that it was a matter of time before we, the people, would be in a situation where our fundamental rights and liberties would be threatened. And so they put in a final check on government: The Second Amendment. The right to keep and bare arms was given to us not out of a need to have guns for hunting, or even personal self defense. The Second Amendment was written as a final means for the citizens of this country to defend themselves from a tyrannical government. Now more than ever we need to defend our right to self protection and encourage as many citizens as possible to get armed and get trained.

At SDSA we are involved in several 2A advocacy groups. To find out how you too can become an advocate for the Second Amendment click the button below.